To Become A Successful Bridal Makeup Artist, You Need to Work Hard! On
Colin Powell, an American retired four-star general in the United States Army has rightly said that – a dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work to do so.
He further said that success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.
And, yes, it’s true. To be successful is everybody’s cherished dream, but it doesn’t come true by magic. It takes a lot of sweat, a tough determination and continuous hard work with loyalty and persistence until one becomes perfect enough to be a masterpiece.
The same holds for all, but a bit more for beauticians wishing to be a successful bridal makeup artist . A successful bridal makeup artist is one who has extensive knowledge of entire makeup, hair care, nail care, skincare and much more while keeping going and booking clients by references and network after just completing few assignments. The best publicity is word of mouth and your best ambassador is your delighted client who would not stop promoting you after years and years of receiving your beautician service. It’ not that she wants to promote you or she is obliged to do so because at some point of time you provide her with your beautician services, but she would be doing it to flaunt her pride and happiness that no one has ever received the beauticians service what she had received from you, no matter how so many years before. She just doesn’t want to forget those mesmerizing moments when people didn’t stop admiring her for her looks and her envious friends didn’t stop avoiding her and watching her from the corner of their eyes pretending, they are no more interested.
To be a bridal makeup artist is not rocket science and so is not any other profession or service in the world. As long as one is bent upon to do something, it is achievable and any milestone is reachable. To start the journey to be a makeup artist one has to join some reputed academy to learn the nitty and gritty of the trade with surgical preciseness, without leaving anything to chance.
BHI Makeup Academy in Mumbai is one such academy to start your learning from, where the focus is more on the practicing then the learning, continuously, regularly and religiously without fail. They have numerous bridal makeup courses, competent trainers, experienced master faculties, the right infrastructure, an elaborated curriculum and provide with lots of in-house hand-on practice with real-time performing sessions on brides to feel and realize what it ultimately takes to be a successful bridal makeup artist.
So far so good, let us come back to our blog that why becoming a successful bridal makeup artist needs a lot of hard work.
1) Bundle of activities – Bridal makeup requires many activities to be performed with superb quality and clinical perfection, without any chance of missing a step, leave aside forgetting an entire activity.
2) Importance of occasion – When it’s to marriage, there’s nothing more important than it. Everyone from bride to bridegroom, their parents to in-laws, friends to relatives and all directly associated or not, have their sentiments and emotions high in the sky in one way or the other. They are all equally anxious about the bride’s look. Therefore, it’s a big responsibility of the bridal artist to meet all expectations and come out with the flying colours.
3) One-time affair in any body’s life – Marriage is a one-time affair in all our lives and therefore it’s too crucial to leave anything to chance, mistakes, errors or lapses. It’s been happening only once makes it all important.
4) All eyes are focused on the bride – At marriage, there is only one person all are gazing at and she is the bride, not even the groom and that’s for sure. When all the eyes are focussed on one, it’s not a simple task to please all about your work in getting the bride ready. It needs a lot of practice, preservance and confidence to do the things right at the first go without leaving anything for a second chance.
5) Many experts are available to evaluate and criticise – In marriage people from various sections are there and the bridal artist’s work is under scrutiny by all to not to let even a single flaw go unnoticed, without comments even from those who themselves don’t know the basics of a beautician.
6) Quick decisions and immediate performance – Making the bride ready is a real acid test for any beautician, where time is at a premium and one has to take immediate decisions depending upon the profile and looks of the bride. Where every step matters and every action is important.
7) Matter of personal delight – Getting the bride ready is the matter of the personal delight of the bride, where besides you even after doing your all the best if it doesn’t appeal the bride herself then nothing can help you.
8) Everything is under tight timelines – In marriage one of the important things is the timeline where every event is critical and has an auspicious time to do so. The bridal makeup artist has to, therefore, perform under tight timelines to meet all activities as per schedule.
9) Nothing to chance – Marriage is one such occasion where nothing could be left to chance. Everything has to be perfect and to the mark, so the makeup artist has to be an expert to perform all the things like a connoisseur.
10) Perfect the first time – It’s the toiling hard which results in perfection. But the bridal makeup artist has to perform every time on a new person and we all are different. Therefore, one has to go for different permutations and combinations depending upon the type of skin, tone, hair, nails and above all individuals personal taste. So, getting perfection is not an easy task.
In light of all above either one should be a hard-working beautician willing to perform tenuously for long hours without complaint after successfully qualifying her bridal makeup courses or at least should not think of being a bridal makeup artist.